Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Over that last few days here is has snowed, a lot! over one weekend we got around a foot of snow.
The plows were out so it wasn't to bad getting around but then it went and rained. RAIN in December, in North Dakota. Very rare! So now not only do we have a few feet of snow on the ground we also have ice on the ground. I'm hopping that the weather will be nicer for the new few days so that everyone has a safe travels for Christmas.

Here is Shorty going out in the snow. He's an out door person, no matter how the weather is! I said go right ahead! I stayed in and baked!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Good Buy Weekend

Oh Weekends, how I wish you were longer and not so full of things to do.
I was hoping that I would get a lot more sewing done this weekend but it just didn't happen.
I wanted to get a quilt done but it just didn't happen. Now this week is going to do be busy and I dont know if I'll have a lot of time to get the rest of the things done that I want to get done.
It's an early evening tonight and a busy week ahead of me. Wish Me Luck!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Craft Fair Count Down

Only 8 days left before the craft fair. I have 2 quilts that I need to finish and bind. AHH.
Why is it that when you want to work on something or have a deadline it's your week has to be Crazy busy!! It's opening Pheasant weekend here in North Dakota so we will be having a house full.
It seams like there is something going on every night so I won't have much time to work on quilts.

Here is a little of what I have been working on

A few table runners

Here is a John Deere Baby blanket. I love the way this one turned out. It was a little funny to piece, Just because it was my first time with this pattern and I just had a picture to look at, not a full pattern. 

So far it's only sandwiched together, yet another thing I need to get done this weekend. 
I'm just hoping that my Awesome little nephew takes a long nap so I can have a little time to work on it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Some weekend projects

Over the weekend I didn't spend my whole time in the craft room but I DID get a few things done.
I was able to finish binding two table runners.

Here is the first one. About 14" by 42" A little large but I did end up making two of them.

 The front is a Destiny Schmit collection and the backing is a Kona Coal gray. I really enjoy working with Kona Solids. 

And here's me with the second table runner. Shorty wouldn't hold them so instead he took the pictures for me. This one is a smaller John Deere table runner.

I'm doing a craft fair in less then 3 weeks and I'm hoping to have a few more table runners and some baby blankets done by then. Cross your fingers for me!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A little about me. Part 1

I wanted to share with you a little bit about me. Tonight a few shots of my craft room. 
Yes I'm a very lucky one to get a whole room just for my crafting.

 Here is a shot of all the jeans. I Like to make denim quilts.  Some square ones, but I like to try and make a design with the different colors of denim. I'll share pictures of what I have already done in the future.

Here is my iron table. I have my scrap bins under there. The green one is for fabric scraps and the Blue is for Batting scraps. You never know when you can use a small piece of fabric or batting!
(and yes that's wood panel in the back, it's a 70's house)

And Last of my craft room tonight, my Baby. 

The Janome 6600. I LOVE HER. When I got her I also got the table that goes with it so it sits level with the table. I am SO glad I got the table!

I also want to show you a little bit of what I was working on tonight.

My Husband, Father-in-law, and Brother-in-law hunt. We live in a small town in the middle of North Dakota. Some very good hunting ground and not much else to do. Opening Duck is this weekend and my Father-in-law needed some blind covers so He built a medal frame and got me the camo burlap. All that needed to be done was to make some loops for the frame to thread into. Pretty simple. I made 5 larger and 2 small. That's my husband Shorty puting the frame in. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Starting a New

Hello to the anybody who I'm hopping in the future will start reading my blog.
I love to quilt, I love reading quilting blogs and when those people share there quilts with me and the world I don't feel alone in the young modern quilting world. So here is my testament to you, who ever you are, that this blog will hence forth have pictures of quilts and the process it took to make them. This blog will have pictures of random happy moments in my life and quite possible some sad ones too.  This blog will be my way of reaching out to people and say "Hey, sewing is fun and you to can do it! It doesn't matter how old or young you are. It doesn't matter if you've ever sewn before or are 90 years in. It doesn't matter, just have fun with what your doing and share that fun with everyone around you!"
This is my new start! Welcome all to my random world.