Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Starting a New

Hello to the anybody who I'm hopping in the future will start reading my blog.
I love to quilt, I love reading quilting blogs and when those people share there quilts with me and the world I don't feel alone in the young modern quilting world. So here is my testament to you, who ever you are, that this blog will hence forth have pictures of quilts and the process it took to make them. This blog will have pictures of random happy moments in my life and quite possible some sad ones too.  This blog will be my way of reaching out to people and say "Hey, sewing is fun and you to can do it! It doesn't matter how old or young you are. It doesn't matter if you've ever sewn before or are 90 years in. It doesn't matter, just have fun with what your doing and share that fun with everyone around you!"
This is my new start! Welcome all to my random world.

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